Wednesday, August 25, 2010

New posts for nile life

Yesterdays blog took almost 2 hours to set up, and today I have been told  that I have exceeded my quota.on the nilelife2 blog. and they have give me a list of yearly prices for more space. 4 days ago I prepared this site for my going on travels.   I moved almost 300 photos to the nilelife.blogspot  to save any hassle while traveling.
anyway  as it turns out todays blog is mainly writting and this will be the last post on  here.the new posts are on  my original  nilelife blogspot
You will also have to read this post on the nile life post. it apparently takes google 3 months. to off load the photos I have taken off?????????????? they are a law unto themselves  no way of connecting to them ,
so what I say is play the game  make a new Gmail address and make a new blog as I have in the past. 4 gmail addresses now,   nilelife... 1..2....4.. all you need do is  take out or add the no and put in 1,   2  or 4

sorry about this  but I do hope you will cintinue to follow on the nilelife. blogspot  I am off on my travels around Egypt for a few weeks and will be blogging every evening on what I see on my journey.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The rat trap, is google a rat trap

Yesterdays blog took almost 2 hours to set up, and today I have been told  that I have exceeded my quota.on the nilelife2 blog. and they have give me a list of yearly prices for more space. 4 days ago I prepared this site for my going on travels.   I moved almost 300 photos to the nilelife.blogspot  to save any hassle while traveling.
anyway  as it turns out todays blog is mainly writting and this will be the last post on  here.the new posts will be  my original  nilelife blogspot
You will also have to read this post on the nile life post. it apparently takes google 3 months. to off load the photos I have taken off?????????????? they are a law unto themselves  no way of connecting to them ,
so what I say is play the game  make a new Gmail address and make a new blog as I have in the past. 4 gmail addresses now,   nilelife... 1..2....4.. all you need do is  take out or add the no and put in 1,   2  or 4

sorry about this  but I do hope you will cintinue to follow on the nilelife. blogspot  I am off on my travels around Egypt for a few weeks and will be blogging every evening on what I see on my journey.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Duck for Dinner

Yesterday I had a duck nothing special just a duck;  I cooked it in the oven  and glazed it with honey,   did not fancy  anything with it,   I mean cooking.  so I just prepared a salad,   tomato cucumber and finely chopped onion, And ate it as I cleaned the kitchen. and I mean cleaned the kitchen  everything off the shelves and in the cupboards  had a clean  . what they might call a thorough going over.  I went to bed at 2.30 this morning  and woke up at 10.30.  went to make a cup of tea  in my clean kitchen. and  the whole kitchen had a layer of dust.   silly ole me forgot to close the windows after the cooking of the duck.
   where did all this dust come from?  there was no wind for me to know of!   then I started todays blog on yesterdays pictures.  and decided I need to go out see if I can get some pics of the cats that are in abundance here especially around the meat stalls. just pop out I thought,   3 meat shops nearby; and back in a jiffy to finish the blog.
sods law:  did I see a cat,  well yes!  just as I was in the last street heading back home after travelling all the way around the old market street.    The just going out to get a photo of a cat turned out to be a 3 mile trek around Luxor's old market area, and suprise suprise lots of  picks of everything but a cat.

My honey glazed duck turned out a treat  and the salad was kept back for today.  so I can say I had a duck for dinner, a duck and nothing but a duck.
Latest  News at 17.34,
While in the kitchen making yet another cup of tea. I had a nibble at one of the duck leg bones,   now I know this is naughty of me:  but I put the bone on the kitchen floor;  its a great way to attract the ants these usually come in droves to clean the bone. and I can spray them with Dom, (fly spray)  and If they did come I could have got A macro picture to show you before spraying, . but  as I went in the fridge to get the milk for my newly brewed tea. a mouse scurried by and ran off with the bone and dissapeared under the cooker:     now I do not mind sharing my home with bugs flies or even the odd geco,  but a mouse,  NO:  there are limits, will end up with hundreds of them,    so now once this blog is finished I need to go mouse hunting, and if I do not catch it I will need to go and get a trap for a  live catch.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Forgot its Tuesday market day.

  1. Sun up at 6.00 and I was already on the West bank so was the Little White Egret  waiting for enough light to go fishing in the Nile.

It seems its duck day today;  these two enjoying an early paddle hoping there are still a few frogs left for breakfast,     I am having duck for dinner,

 a group of Aylsbury ducks  went swimming off to one of the sand banks  in the river,
must be some goodies over there.  The farmer was also  getting some goodies for his home, bags of sand ! Goodness knows why he had to go to all that hard work  carrying bags of sand through the flooded field,  

As  I said I forgot its Tuesday market  this was the reminder as I was getting off the ferry and up the steps to the Promenade.   These are on the way to market,  thats if the duck does not escape first.
  the last mile to market ,not far to go now.

Early trading!  Dates are in huge demand now its Ramadan,  these have been brought in from the Fayoum oasis area.

The water buffalo with their minders the egrets.

.The cleaner pigeon, the only other passanger on the upper deck of the Nile crossing.

Sunday, August 1, 2010