Situated in the center of the tourist market. and decided to buy my meat from one of the supermarkets. maybe it comes from a worse place than the butchers shop in Luxor. but who cares, at least it was not from the carcass I saw later floating in the Nile that must have been a stinker
been in the river quite a while by the looks poor buggers on the Nile cruisers have to have an intake of Nile water . see Nile pollution on my website home page after the Nagaa Hamady murders.
Here you can buy Camels and a bag to put it in maybe all of them, doesn't he wish
The farmers friend the stick best known as a stave Ideal for hitting the donkey or could be of use in an argument. not to be mistaken for the sugar cane leaning against the wall of the next shop.
Tony, reminds me of a time in Corsica years ago went to a not dissimilar butchers the meat crawling in blue bottles the butcher seeing i was English frantically started beating the sheep carcass with his cleaver and going shoo! I suspect you are right about the supermarket that's probably what's left after the luxor butcher has finished.
You make me want to be a vegetarian.
You right!
Shop in the supermarket. Best not to know where your food last grazed.
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