this is my security police man in plain clothes Enlarge the photo you can see all the roofs on the route have a policeman on them,
This guy was a bit of a big mouth and was having a go at most of the rookies on duty all the way down the street I could hear him shouting his big head off. hear he physically attacks a young rookie for not having his cap on properly. then he shouted at the lad on the roof no photos tell him to go inside. so I had no shots of the passing president of Egypt.
He was on his way to open the new Hostel at toud
photos of the temple of Montu in Toud
The only shot I got of the presidential car on its return Journey
Tony, take life as it comes, makes a change from dead sheep and oppressed donkeys. Watch you don't get locked up, I would miss your posts.....Selfish bugger I am!
Ha.. Love that paparazzi shots!
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